
Walking the City Walls

The day for it was perfect. There was a light breeze but it was also just warm enough in the bright sun to get a slight tan. Last week we went to the Old City through Jaffa gate and found what I think is the best bang for your buck experience in Jerusalem. For just 6 shekels (less than 2 bucks!) we got to do the ramparts walk. This is basically just a ticket to get up on top of the walls of the City. The views were amazing and it took us a good 2 hours to get from Jaffa Gate to Lions Gate. It probably would have taken less time but I took a ton of pictures. We went in the afternoon so as we were finishing the sun was starting to go down. It really helped orient me with the directions of the city. Even now looking back there are things in pictures that I didn't know about then but I do now. I had a little fun editing them but I hope you like them.

This is the entrance to Damascus Gate if you were looking down from the inside. It smells a lot nicer up on the wall with a breeze compared with down in the market. Also, this is where a lot of people get pick pocketed so hold on to your purse!


My Home again! (the one with the arched windows)

So in this pic is the Russian Church of the Ascension in gold. and that hillside is covered in...graves. Just below it is where the Garden of Gethsemane is and this hillside is where many believe the Second Coming (or first if you are Jewish) will occur. Some of the graves date back to the second century and people are still being buried there today!

This was an interesting Catholic funeral procession we saw . The casket was glass and the pallbearers were all bishops or priests or something. I wish I had gotten my camera out sooner.

Just some homes in the old city.

The street outside the birthplace of Mary. I am finding that there are often two places where the event occurred... I wonder how that can happen? lol

1 comment:

Laura Duce said...

Super cool pictures. I think I'll ditch the kids and come join you.