
been a while

i feel like i have too many posts that have titles about how long it has been since i last blogged. pattern much? let's just say consistency has never been my strong suit but blogging is something i enjoy so i have decided to start doing it (along with other things) a lot more.

as of now i am back in school in good 'ol idaho and loving every minute... well not so much but that's one of the things i am working on: living in the moment and enjoying it. in a matter of weeks (6 to be exact) my semester will be over and i will be a senior... say what? a senior in college? that blows my mind. it feels like yesterday i was back in washington with my two best friends graduating high school and acting like total dorks and now her i am on the verge of something no one can help me with or guide me along because it's time for MY life and i have to choose which life i want. scary stuff.
photographic proof of how naive we were
but enough of the weepy reminiscing crap that goes against the whole living in the moment part. as far as things in my major are going... i love it! it gets hard at times and really struggle with this digital class i am in but it is totally worth it. a few months back i hit a real slump and i had no clue what to do. i had thoughts about changing my major and dropping out (my mother would never let me). it was my first real creative slump and i hate to say this but i hardly picked up a camera for three whole months. but i am glad to say i am back and i have learned a lesson that slumps are part of any creative process and i either need to push through it or start a new project until i can get my creative juices flowing again. so that is where i am at just studying away and trying to make it through all the craziness that comes with being a 21-year old in college. o and highlight of the week was shooting on my first 4x5 camera it was full of plenty of surprises and laughs but i will post about that later!

1 comment:

Laura Duce said...

It's about time! And I'll just say I'm glad your mom won't let you drop out or change your major because people that do that near the end drive me bonkers. :) Just hold on tight for the ride.

The kids still miss you.